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Clean Way Professional Cleaning Service Office Building

Clean Way Professional Cleaning Services

Corporate Values

Our Approach

Our business model at Clean Way Professional Cleaning Services, Inc. is distinctly different from other janitorial service companies.  The most important items we have to sell are service and convenience.  No other janitorial service company can outperform or out-service Clean Way.  No single janitorial service company makes it more convenient for the customer to do business then Clean Way.  While we certainly want to grow and make a profit for our shareholders, we also understand the Best Way is through hard work by each and every employee. All of our employees provide exceptional customer service.  Because of this operating philosophy, we are driven by a core set of values that defines exactly what we must do every day to serve our customers.

Do The Right Thing

We try hard to always do the right thing at Clean Way.  We recognize that we are a company made up of human beings and human beings will make mistakes.  At Clean Way, there is a saying we live by.  You stand behind what you say.  You do not make excuses, you make commitments.  When you cannot live up to them, you own up and make it right.  Some people think this type of accountability is old fashioned and does not apply to business today.  Well guess what – they are wrong!  This is one of the differences between Clean Way and our competitors.

Provide Extraordinary Service
At Clean Way, we always aim to not just meet our customers’ expectations but exceed them and serve our customers in unexpected ways.  We will only take on what we can do well.  We realize and understand our success is all about service – exceptional customer service.

Respect The Team

Everyone at Clean Way makes a difference and everyone at Clean Way should feel that his or her contributions are valued.  We place high value on team work and collaboration because we know that the power of many is greater than the power of one.

Take Responsibility

At Clean Way, it is not enough to do your own jobs / tasks well.  Making sure that all of our customers are satisfied is part of everyone’s job description.  So if we need to take a few extra minutes to fix something, we step up to the plate, “own” the problem / task or issue and resolve the issue and make it go away.  It’s not about being the best.  It’s about being better than you were yesterday!

Move Forward, Move Fast

Over the years, Clean Way has identified two very distinct types of organizations.  There are organizations that spend time checking this and checking that and then there are organizations that spend time doing.  Clean Way is definitely one of the doers.  We have always been the first off of the starting blocks.  We have always valued action and decisiveness and recognize that the best opportunities come to those that act quickly.


Clean Way has evolved over the years.  We have expanded our business several times.  We have expanded by offering additional cleaning services, by expanding and growing in different geographical regions, by hiring almost 95 company employees.  At Clean Way, we truly embrace change and each and every employee has the opportunity to grow, take on more responsibility and contribute even more to our customers and Clean Way.   We want all of our employees to be successful all of the time.

Have Fun

We understand that when all Clean Way employees really enjoy their work, are properly trained and are paid a decent living wage with full benefits that our employees will do a better job for our customers.  Most importantly our customers will see and experience the difference between a Clean Way employee and our competition’s.


Ever since the Mangold family became owners of Clean Way Professional Cleaning Services, Inc., the corporate mission pertaining to our customers has remained the same.

We will always tell the truth.  

We will always be fair to all concerned.  

We will never try to sell you something you do not really need. 

We must always out service our competition.  

We will always continue to honor the vision for our predecessors by carrying out their original mission.  

Meet the “Clean Team”!