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How Filthy Are The Carpets In Your Home?

residential home cleaningYou might not want to know the real answer to that question. But it’s an important one to know if you’re serious about keeping your home and carpet as clean as possible.

Even homeowners who are seemingly on top of their home’s cleanliness often underestimate how clean their carpets really are. If you’re not working with professional residential home cleaning services, your carpet is likely as dirty as can be — even if you scrub and vacuum five times a day.

In fact, only 55% of homeowners deep clean their carpets as often as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends, which is at least once every six months or more. After you learn exactly what’s lurking in your carpets, you’ll want to get a hold of residential home cleaning teams right away.

Here are some disgusting germs that are currently inside your unclean carpets:

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

That just sounds gross, doesn’t it? This germ is actually resistant to penicillin and can run rampant in your home’s carpets, floors, and mattresses. This bacteria is usually brought into the home from active children who were playing around outside. MRSA can actually be carried by healthy individuals for extended periods of time and can even cause death if left untreated for too long. Clean your carpets!

Norovirus (Norwalk Virus)

This virus can often disguise itself as the stomach flu or food poisoning once the symptoms begin because they are so similar. Norovirus can survive inside your carpet for up to six weeks and then becomes airborne as people or pets come in contact with the carpet.


This bacteria is common in human intestines, but some forms of Enterococci can actually cause severe infections. Coming in contact with this bacteria can lead to urinary tract infections (UTI), bacterial endocarditis, meningitis, and diverticulitis. Also, some Enterococci strains are completely resistant to treatment.

Don’t let these bacteria run wild in your home and cause medical issues for you and your family. Take care of them once and for all. If you’re in need of professional residential home cleaning assistance, contact Clean Way Professional Cleaning Services today.